October 22, 2018 at Hidden Springs Ale Works (Tampa, FL)
in collaboration with Null-State + Hidden Springs Ale Works
Terroir New Music presents Terroir007: DIGITAL JUICE, a program of interactive electronic music featuring Null-state, paired with craft beer brewed by Hidden Springs Ale Works. Null-state is an electroacoustic duo and organization co-founded by Melody Chua and Benjamin D. Whiting, which specializes in live-electronics and live-coding performance via the sensor-augmented Chaosflöte. The concert will take place at 7:30 PM on Monday, October 22 at Hidden Springs Ale Works.
Digital Juice is a concert of the acoustic and familiar coupled with the electronic and fresh. The first half of the concert features Null-state performing works composed especially for their sensor-augmented instrument: the Chaosflöte. This modified flute sports motion and airflow sensors that directly influence the electronic sounds and visuals accompanying these pieces. The second half is an improvisatory jam session with Melody on the Chaosflöte and Benjamin reprogramming the instrument as she plays to weave an increasingly complex tapestry of electronically-altered tone colors and textures. Each piece, as well as the improvisation, will be specifically paired with a beer crafted by Hidden Springs Ale Works that complements the rich sounds and vivid colors of the music and visuals.
Melody Chua: Nextion
Benjamin D. Whiting: Human Sequencer (Entropic Atelier No 4)
Melody Chua: Chaos Ver. 4: Circle
+ 2 improvised live-coding jam sessions
Terroir006: To the Earth
April 22, 2018 at Fancy Free Nursery (Tampa, FL)
in collaboration with Hidden Springs Ale Works
Terroir New Music continues its series of music by living composers, paired with locally-crafted beer, with Terroir006: to the earth at Fancy Free Nursery. This program is in celebration of Earth Day, and will feature two beers selected to compliment the program from neighboring brewery, Hidden Springs Ale Works.
The program for to the earth will feature music by local composers Susanna Hancock, Tyler Kline, and Baljinder Sekhon, as well as music by renowned composers Frederic Rzewski and Kaija Saariaho. Each piece on the program has been written with subjects of nature and the earth in mind. Instrumentation will vary throughout the concert, from more standard instruments like clarinet, vibraphone, and electric guitars, to compositions utilizing flower pots and actual plants to make sound.
Frederic Rzewski: To the Earth (speaking percussionist + flower pots)
Tyler Kline: No radio has arrows that can find us (performer + electronics)
Susanna Hancock: blossom and furl (two guitars)
Kaija Saariaho: Petals (cello + electronics)
Baljinder Sekhon: Two Trees (clarinet + Percussion
Terroir005: solera
April 5, 2018 at c.1949 Florida Beer Garden (Tampa, FL)
Terroir New Music is proud to present the second concert of its inaugural season, terroir005: solera. This is an extension of an ongoing collaboration with c.1949 Florida Beer Garden, highlighting and pairing together two of Tampa’s best outputs: craft music and craft beer! After all, c.1949 was the location of Terroir’s very first concert event, terroir001:starter (May 4, 2017).
“Solera” alludes to the namesake fractional blending process for liquids (such as wine, beer, or vinegar) which creates a finished product that incorporates multiple ages of liquids, often with average age of mixtures increasing each year. We cherish our partnership with c.1949 and see this series-within-a-series as a parallel to this process; unique each time, yet a culmination of many concerts.
Solera, in Spanish, means “on the ground” (due to the oldest blend typically resting on the lowest level), and we think that this word fits beautifully into our concept of terroir and the way in which we celebrate Tampa Bay.
This concert also serves as the welcoming event for the 2018 USF New-Music Festival and Symposium. Come listen to a showcase of many talented composers and performers local to Tampa Bay, and stay to hang out with many composers and scholars visiting from around the world!
Robert Morris: April from 12 Bell Canons (solo glockenspiel)
Bradley Mikesell: Seed (solo violin)
Aaron Lepley: ghostship (piano + electronics)
Jeremy Adams: Transparent (electric bass + electronics)
Tyler Kline: The Rainy Season (clarinet + euphonium + percussion)
G. Blake Harrison-Lane: Closing Distance (solo viola)
Sean Hamilton: inside my head there are three shelves (indeterminate ensemble)
Chace Williams: Zinnia (tuba + electronics)
Zach Hale: Chronostasis (solo vibraphone)
Paul Lewis: Pareidolia (violin + electronics)
Terroir004: mothertongue
March 11, 2018 at CAVU (Tampa, FL)
in collaboration with Bake’n Babes
featuring the music of Kinds of Kings
Terroir New Music is proud to present Terroir004: mothertongue, a concert in collaboration with Bake’n Babes featuring the music of all-female composer collective Kinds of Kings. The concert is being presented as a celebration of women composers everywhere, highlighting a demographic that is often underrepresented or overlooked in programming by many music organizations. It will take place right after International Women’s Day (March 8). This will be the first concert in Terroir New Music’s inaugural season.
The program for mothertongue will feature six string quartet works by members of Kinds of Kings, an all-female collective consisting of international composers with diverse backgrounds. Each piece will be paired with sweet and savory desserts from Bake’n Babes alongside tea provided by Foundation Coffee Co.
Gemma Peacocke: erasure
Finola Merivale: The Language of Mountains is Rain
Susanna Hancock: platforms
Shelley Washington: Middleground
Maria Kaoutzani: jaune doré
Emma O’Halloran: Dying is a Wild Night
New Year’s Eve is a time of both reflection and looking forward.
This evening’s music is meant to capture this feeling in multiple ways, but it is also composed with tonight’s menu in mind. Chef Eric Fralick has crafted a menu that we find to be particularly beautiful and fitting : nostalgic and fresh at the same time.
The music tonight will be presented in a unique way. As you advance through the multiple courses of this meal, the music will change as the food changes. You will also hear music coming from the tables around you, and the way the different musics blend throughout the space will likely change how you hear the music at your table. You may hear music coming from across the room you heard moments ago close by, which is meant to evoke the feelings of nostalgia and memory.
We used the menu as a guide as much as possible when composing this music. For example, if a course has crunchy elements, we incorporated “crunchy” sounds. In the case of Course #2, squid ink tortellini, we tried to create music that imitated the shape of squid tentacles and ocean waves.
There are also numerous residual elements to tonight’s menu: the dashi left behind in Course #2 and the bones left behind from the Hamachi Kama in Course #3, to name a couple examples. We saw these elements as a metaphor for leaving things behind in the old year and wanted the music to reflect this, as well.
Finally, since it is New Year’s Eve, we felt the need to create “firework-like” sounds throughout the course of the work. This comes in the form of short bursts and flourishes of sounds, sometimes distorted and often coming out of the overall texture. We feel that there are plenty of “firework-like” elements throughout the five-courses on tonight’s menu.
Terroir002: (kick)starter
November 9, 2017 at c.1949 Florida Beer Garden (Tampa, FL)
Terroir New Music is proud to return with its second iteration of contemporary music and craft beer pairings in collaboration with c.1949.
(kick)starter reinvents the idea behind Terroir’s inaugural concert event in a celebratory kickoff for our 2018 Kickstarter campaign. “Starter” alludes to the culture used in the fermentation of many foods and alcohols (such as sourdough bread, or solera-aged liquors), and serves as a metaphor as we fundraise for our 2018 full series of concert events with food and alcohol pairings.
Donnacha Dennehy: Overstrung (violin and tape)
Mark Gurrola: Horo (solo bassoon)
Evan Kassof: Three Movements of Memory (violin and metronome)
Zach Konick: Amalgam (percussion and electronics)
Philip Glass: Strung Out (solo amplified violin)
Tyler Kline:Basic Research II (vibraphone and voice)
Louis Andriessen: Xenia: III. Song (violin and voice)
Brett Copeland: Syzygy (bass clarinet and electronics)
Sean Hamilton: In Closing (solo glockenspiel)
Amalgam: composed and performed by Zach Konick, percussion. Featured on Terroir002: (kick)starter at c.1949 Florida Beer Garden November 9, 2017
Terroir001: starter
May 4, 2017 at c.1949 Florida Beer Garden (Tampa, FL)
Terroir New Music, in collaboration with c.1949, is proud to present a special evening of new music by local composers paired with local craft beers.
The title for this concert, “starter” alludes to the culture needed to start the fermentation process of many foods and alcohols (such as sourdough bread, or solera-aged liquors). We find it fitting, as this concert is the “starter” for what we hope is many awesome concerts, seasons, and collaborations for years to come.
Sean Hamilton: Postcard (prepared snare drum and electronics)
Zachary Hale: Apophenia (found objects and live electronics)
Tyler Kline: Winter Fragments (euphonium)
Susanna Hancock: Original Sin (bassoon)
G. Blake Harrison-Lane: Stands Among Them (violin duo)
Baljinder Sekhon: Regeneration (steel pan and electronics)